
Ten grandmother’s tricks with cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a product with many virtues. Used as much for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties as for its effects in term of beauty, here are the 10 tricks of grandmother to know about it.
First, it can help you fight against perspiration. It is enough for that, after being washed, to apply on your armpits. While drying it will not be more fragrant. Be careful not to use this trick on freshly shaved skin as it may burn.

By mama_mia / shutterstock.com


Then if you drink a glass of water in which you have diluted 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before going to the table, it will help regulate your blood sugar level and facilitate your possible diet.

It will also detoxify your body. Put 2 teaspoons of cider vinegar and a teaspoon of liquid honey in 100 ml of warm water. Drink this solution every morning for 30 days.

On the skin, he will also perform miracles. It will allow you to fight against acne. To make a lotion put in a bottle 6 tablespoons of cider vinegar with the same amount of mineral water. You can then apply on your face. But on your feet too! To eliminate fungal infections put 500 ml of this vinegar and 250 ml of warm water in a basin. Dive your feet every day for a quarter of an hour. To shine your hair, mix it with warm water and apply on a hair still wet.

Since it is an antibacterial, it will also help you fight against constipation. In a glass of warm water pour 2 teaspoons of this vinegar and drink the whole once a day before one of two meals a day for 7 days.

Apple cider vinegar can also help you calm sore throats. Pour 4 teaspoons into a glass of warm water and use this solution to make a gargle three times a day.

It can also give you a boost in case of temporary tiredness by drinking a tablespoon mixed with a glass of water.

The advice :
Be careful, remember to rinse your mouth after drinking or using garlic vinegar to take care of the enamel of your teeth. Avoid applying these tips if you have gastric ulcer or heartburn.
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