Take it off immediately, or what pants have become anti-trends

Spring is the time of renewal. It’s not an easy, demanding, but fascinating process. Not enough space for updates? Clean out your closet and get rid of the things that prevent you from creating a current and stylish look. Here are the out-of-fashion pants that don’t belong in your closet.

Освободите шкаф от того, что помешает создать актуальный и стильный образ

Free your closet from the things that prevent you from creating an up-to-date and stylish look


The pant line on these pants “cuts off” your legs and makes you visually shorter. Few people are advised to create a stylish image. As an alternative, fashion experts suggest settling for palazzo pants, bootcut jeans, or slightly flared pants.

В качестве альтернативы эксперты моды предлагают остановиться на брюках палаццо, джинсах-буткат или слегка расклёшенных штанах.As an alternative, fashion experts suggest stopping at the palazzo pants, bootcut jeans or slightly flared pants.


From the French, culottes translate as “short pants. The problem with them is the same as with capri pants. In everyday wear they will not add anything to your image, but problems. If there is no desire to visually appear smaller, then give them up.

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