A good hairdresser is better than a plastic surgeon! 20 amazing transformations

A good haircut and a new hair color can transform any woman into a completely different person. Don’t believe it? Lithuanian hairstylist Jurgita Malakauskaite proves it every day at her SelfStation salon. Take a look at these before and after photos – and try to believe that each pair of photos is really the same woman. It’s unbelievable!

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Jurgita first picked up scissors when she was only 16 years old. She began her professional career in a small barbershop opened by her parents in her hometown of Mažeikiai. Now she has more than 24 years of experience, and she knows exactly what she’s doing.

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When styling her hair, Jurgita looks not only at the client’s hair, but also takes into account eye and skin color in order to find the perfect hair style. She divides her clients into four types-winter, spring, summer and fall-depending on hair color and complexity. “It’s like creating a picture. First you analyze, pick a palette, figure out which shades to mix. And only after the palette is prepared, after you know your client’s type of appearance, her face shape and hair structure, only then can you start “painting.”

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