Ginger: the Seven healthy virtues of this miraculous Asian root

Here are 7 health virtues of ginger, this root native of Asia, that we sprinkle on our dishes, our desserts and in our drinks.

–  To avoid nausea
The usefulness of ginger has been recognized by the WHO in the treatment of nausea, whether during pregnancy, chemotherapy, due to motion sickness, surgery etc. It is thanks to the gingerol and shogaol contained in the plant that the movements of the stomach are reduced. Two studies indicate that consumption of 0.5 g to 1.5 g of ginger powder, in the form of capsules, could be effective in treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. In addition, 1 g of ginger powder, still in the form of capsules, would be more effective than placebo in preventing nausea and vomiting after surgery, according to a meta-analysis.

By peterzsuzsa /


 To promote digestion
Ginger, through its active molecule, promotes digestion through its production of bile and digestive enzymes.

 To reduce muscle pain
Ginger is known to act on muscle pain. It is particularly recommended for athletes. According to a US study published in the Journal of Pain, taking 2g for 11 days would reduce physical activity pain by 25%.

 To warm up
In case of a cold or chilling, ginger can increase body temperature because it “flushes moisture”, according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

 To prevent colon cancer
Gingerol present in ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect. It plays a preventive role against colon cancer, reducing the risk of having one, according to a US study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research. Ginger supplements may help reduce the inflammation of the colon.

 To increase your breathing capacity
Thanks to gingerol 6, gingerol 8 and school, patients with asthma could increase their breathing capacity with ginger, according to US researchers at Columbia University. Ginger acts as a bronchodilator.

 To reactivate his libido
Although no study confirms its reputation as a ginger aphrodisiac, some attribute to it warming virtues with vasodilatory effects that would activate the sexual function.

Before using it, it is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor, especially for people taking heart medication.

In addition, ginger can be used in several forms: capsules, powder, herbal teas, fresh, syrup or candied. For comparison, 1g to 2g of ginger powder is equivalent to about 10g of fresh ginger.
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