Here’s why you shouldn’t sleep with wet hair

At the end of a long day, it’s tempting to take a hot shower, put on pajamas, brush your teeth, and go to bed. Have you ever wondered if it is safe to sleep with wet hair? Indeed, it is not without danger …

sleep with wet hair

By Maryna Pleshkun /

The consequences of sleeping with wet hair

The first drawback is aesthetic: what will your hair look like the next day? “When you try to style your hair, you will probably have a hard time with frizz, uneven waves, flattened sides, and bad folds left by the pillow,” says Olga Gilbert, a stylist at Palm Desert.

“When you go to get your messy hair up, you may need to rewet it to dry it properly and regain control. Which will waste your time. ”

Mrs. Gilbert adds that, in the long term, this way of doing damages the hair follicles and promotes brittle hair because it is more fragile when it is wet. “If you tie them with an elastic in a ponytail or ponytail, they’ll break even more easily overnight.”

What if you sleep with wet hair?

If you absolutely must sleep with wet hair because you have to get up early to get to work, there are a few easy tips to minimize the damage. First, swap your cotton sheets for silk sheets. Silk is much softer and damages your hair less; with a silk pillowcase, they will break much less.

Then do not sleep with your hair tied up. Braid them rather loosely instead of pulling them up into a bun or ponytail. Finally, instead of using an elastic, choose a clip or a fabric scrunchie that will pull less on your hair overnight.
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