How to Make Soap: The Soap Making Process

Choose Your Soap Making Method

The soap making process does not consist of only one method to make soap but it consists of four basic methods. These four basic methods involve different soap making process that’s why you need to decide first which among the four methods you want to apply in order to start the right process.

How to Make Soap

a.) The Cold Process of Soap Making. This refers to the process of soap making wherein you really have to start from scratch. You’ll have to make your own base.
This is one of the most common soap making process.

The best thing about the cold process is the fact that you are starting from scratch which means that you have control over the process. How the soap will smell and will look are all under your control. You will also have control over the ingredients used. However, this process is a bit complicated especially for beginners, more expensive and more time-consuming. You really have to take time to be really learned of the process before you start.

The Cold Process of Soap Making is first done by making a lye solution. Next, measure the oils you are going to use. Then, blend these oils and after these oils are well-blended, add the lye solution on it. Blend the lye and oil mixture and add some extras or additives that you wish to add like colors, fragrances, essential oils, etc.
After that, you can pour the mixture on a mold. Let the soap mixture cool and harden. When it cools and hardens; you can start cutting it to your preferred sizes.

b.) The Melt and Pour Process of Soap Making. This refers to the process of soap making wherein you no longer have to make your own soap base but instead you are going to use a soap base and simply melt it so you can add your own additives.

The best thing about this process is because it is very easy to make and very quick since you only have to use soap base and not make your own. It is also inexpensive since you use lesser ingredients than that of the cold process. Since there is no
need to deal with lye, it is also safer. However, this process is not as rewarding as the cold process because it is not something you made from scratch. You are only using soap as your base and all you are doing is add your own additives. It’s like you are only editing the soap and not actually making it.

The Melt and Pour process is first done by cutting the soap base you have and melting it by using the microwave or any heating source that can melt it. Next, you can measure and pour in your extras on another container. Then, after the soap
base has melted, pour in your extras and additives on that melted soap base. It is up to you to add coloring on your soap as long as they are skin-friendly. Stir the mixture well but be careful not to stir the mixture and create bubbles. After that,
pour the soap mixture into a mold. You can use small molds so you don’t have to cut the soap into tiny pieces. Let the soap cool and harden inside the fridge. Usually, it takes only a few hours to harden.

c.) The Re-batch Process of Soap Making. This refers to the process of soap making that’s actually similar to the melt and pour and the only difference is that in this process, the soap base you are using is the soap that you have already made on your own through cold process or melt and pour.

The best thing about this process is that it can correct the first soap mistake you made which is why this process is also known as a process used for fixing mistakes. This is also no longer hard to make because there is a soap base already.
However, this process is a bit complex since it would take time to melt the base and so it needs extra work.

The Rebatching process is first done by grating the soap base so that it would be easier for it to melt. After grating, you can start melting it with water or milk if you wish to. Mix in the additives that you want to add or the extras you forgot to put when you first made the soap. Then, bend it well or mix it using a spatula. Finally, start putting the rebatch soap into a mold and let it harden.
d.) The Hot Process of Soap Making. This refers to the process of soap making that is really similar to the cold process and it is only called hot process since it uses heat and cooking. The best thing about this process is that it is also a process that starts from scratch; therefore it will also give you a sort of satisfaction since you are really having control over your ingredients and the process. But just like the cold process, this can be very complex as this requires extra work since you still need to cook the soap. Plus, it requires more safety precautions as dealing with lye can be dangerous.

The Hot Process is first done by creating a lye solution just like in the cold process. Next, measure your oils once again and mix them well. If you are using hard oils, melt them first before you mix them with the liquid oils. Add other additives on the oils and then add the lye solution too. Blend the mixture and after that, start cooking the mixture on a boiler or a casserole, etc. Cooking usually takes time since you’ll have to wait for the soap to rise, to thicken and to be oily. While cooking, you can add colors and fragrances if you wish. The soap is cooked if it already fluffy like mashed potatoes and you can already place it onto a mold and let harden before cutting them into pieces.

Knowing all about these methods will now help you decide what you think is best for you as a beginner. But as a tip, if you are a beginner, choose the easiest first just for the sake of experience. Choose also the cheapest if you still do not have enough budget. But most of all, you can choose the most rewarding process as long as you have made sure you are prepared with the knowledge of the process and safety precautions when making soap already.
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