Learn how to get rid of bad toilet odor

Admittedly, although it is necessary, cleaning the toilets is a tedious and rather painful task. Left unpleasant odors will invade your bathroom and scale will settle in your toilet bowl, unsightly stains will begin to appear. Fortunately, there are several tips that are there to make our life easier and eliminate all these inconveniences. One of these, very little known, is the use of fabric softener. To find out how to put an end to foul odors emanating from your toilet.

This is a tip that will surprise more than one. Fabric softener is generally used to make our clothes soft and to give them a haunting smell. So you would be surprised to learn that it can be used to clean your toilet.

Learn how to get rid of bad toilet odor

By antoniodiaz / shutterstock.com

It is better to make your own natural fabric softener

Before presenting this tip to you, it is essential to clarify some things. Although they are effective, commercial fabric softeners can contain products that are very aggressive to the planet or just your septic tank, even if you only use these products in your washing machine.

Some of these fabric softeners could even cause allergies. A greener solution that won’t harm your home or your health is to simply make your own natural, homemade fabric softener. You can then use it in your washes but also for this trick which will remove all the odors emanating from your toilets.

The recipe for a homemade natural fabric softener

To avoid any inconvenience caused by chemicals in industrial softeners, you will need:

☑️ 10 grams of baking soda

☑️ 200 mL of lukewarm water

☑️ 800 mL of white vinegar

☑️ A few drops of essential oils of your choice (lemon, lavender, orange tree, etc.)

This trick use a fabric softener to clean your toilet cistern - source: depositphotos

This trick use a fabric softener to clean your toilet cistern – source: depositphotos

Take a large container and add the vinegar, water, and baking soda to it. Let it all act, bubbles will start to appear. Baking soda can be used for many household chores. Let everything sit until the mixture seems to stabilize, then add the drops of essential oil of your choice and according to the scent you want to obtain.

You can then keep this natural softener in a glass jar. Do not forget to shake the jar to homogenize everything before each use, whether for your machine or for your toilet in the tip that follows!

Le bicarbonate de soude est un produit naturel qui vous permettra de nettoyer en profondeur Source depositphotos

Le bicarbonate de soude est un produit naturel qui vous permettra de nettoyer en profondeur Source depositphotos

Now that you’ve got your natural fabric softener, you’re all set to give your toilet a deep clean. When it comes to cleaning the toilet, we often think of cleaning the toilet. There are also many very effective tricks that can achieve very remarkable results.

However, it is very common that we forget to give the inside of the toilet tank a little clean. Over time, bacteria will grow inside and odors will inevitably take hold. In this case, it is easy to imagine that washing the toilet bowl will not be enough to hide the odors.

This little trick will allow you to kill two birds with one stone by washing not only your cistern but also your toilet, follow the guide!

Verser votre adoucissant à l’intérieur de la citerne de vos toilettes Source : Depositphotos

Verser votre adoucissant à l’intérieur de la citerne de vos toilettes Source : Depositphotos

This little trick is to pour your fabric softener directly into the cistern of your toilet. Let the product work for a few minutes. It will then be enough to flush the toilet to also clean the bowl of your toilet. With this trick, your toilets will smell good for a long time and at a lower price!

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