What to do with the hair of women of elegant age

Do you have acquaintances who, when you look at them, notice that they become prettier and more attractive as they get older? How do we assess this? What immediately catches our eye?

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Haircut (hairstyle, styling), hair color, style of dress, figure. Maybe our lucky ladies just picked up an individual image, veiled flaws and turned them into advantages, and genetics has nothing to do with it (wrinkles are easy to get rid of at a beautician).

– As we age, the skin of the face becomes more faded, duller.

Often the natural color of the hair, even if it is very beautiful, will not refresh the face.

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The shape of the face changes, the oval sags. In addition to makeup, try to adjust the shade of hair, change the coloring technique (multifaceted techniques in natural shades are considerably refreshing) change the haircut.

You can’t cheat nature, so choose a shade of hair 1-2 tones lighter than the native one. Combine the selected shades that are compatible with each other. Sometimes it is enough to tint porous hair into a denser shade.

– For thin and sparse hair, I suggest choosing a multifaceted coloring. You will be surprised at how voluminous your hair can look.

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About haircuts

In our case, it is important to choose a haircut depending on the structure of hair, the peculiarities of its growth, the shape of the head. With age the quality of hair in varying degrees deteriorates.

On the basis of these nuances it is necessary to understand that the same haircut, will look and be styled differently.

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